Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Date of this Version
Winter 8-2-2017
Document Type
This paper presents the analysis of core journals and subject-wise coverage of journals in the field of Vascular Diseases in Children for the period from 2012 to 2016 in the MEDLINE data which are covered in the Pubmed. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the core journals and its subject-wise coverage of journals in the field of Vascular Diseases in Children. It is found that the maximum number of records (6223) was published during the year 2015. The majority of the records were journal articles. 43 journals grouped in zone-1 published 4122 journal articles. In the second zone comprises of 263 journals published 4253 journal articles and 1749 journals published 3964 journal articles grouped in third zone. In zone-1, 15 journals are associated with Pediatrics, 8 with Cardiology, 4 with Cardiovascular Surgery, 3 with Neurology, 2 each with Neurosurgery, Surgery and Thoracic Surgery and 1 each with Dermatology, Genetics, Medicine, Nephrology, Oncology, Physiology and Radiology. In zone-2; 68 are General Medicine out of 263 journals covered, 44 in Cardiology, 25 in Pediatrics, 18 in Radiology, 15 in Surgery, 11 in Neurology, 9 in Neurosurgery, 8 in Genetics, 7 each in Anesthesia, Hematology and Rheumatology, 4 each in Endocrinology, Ophthalmology and Physiology, 3 in Cardiovascular Surgery, 2 each in Dermatology, Nephrology, Nutrition, Orthopedics, Pathology, Perinatology, Public Health, Urology and Vascular Surgery and 1 each in Biochemistry, Cancer, Dentistry, Epidemiology, Forensic Medicine, Gastroenterology, Oncology, Otorhinolaryngology, Plastic Surgery, Respiratory Medicine and Thoracic Surgery. 306 journals have been identified as core journals in the field of Vascular Diseases in Children.