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4. Arambewela, LSR., Arawwawala, LDAM. and Ratnasooriya, WD. Antidiabetic activities of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Piper betle leaves in rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 102(2) (2005) 239 – 245.

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Betel leaf plays an important role in ancient civilization. Chewing betel leaves with areca nut was pointed out in the pre-historic books. In 13th century, Marco Polo mentioned about the betel chewing among kings and nobles in India. Betel and areca nut plays an important role in Indian Culture, especially among Hindus. On that basis of idea the keyword of “Piper betle” or betel was collected from the Web of Science. This study is limited for the period 1997- 2016 with Bibexcel and Pajek tool. Scientists are so much interested to publish the research immediately in the journal article. English is the widely used communicable language. It is true in the betel research also. Added to that, this study focuses on publishing trend, authorship pattern, author’s productivity, h-index, co-authorship map, citation map.
