Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 6-29-2017

Document Type



The study investigated the influence of socio-economic characteristicsof irrigation farmer’s access to and utilization of agricultural information in North Western Nigeria. A questionnaire survey of 368 households in three (3) states in North Western Nigeria was used. The objectives of the study is: To identify the extent to which some socio-economic variables of irrigation farmers affects their utilization of agricultural information; to highlight how the socio-economic variables could help in determining the type of information needed. Using the Diffusion of Innovation paradigm of Rogers, multiple regression, correlation coefficient and Chi-square analysis, the results of the study suggest that age, sex, experience, educational status and belonging to farmers association have significant relationship on access to and utilization of agricultural information by the irrigation farmers.However, a critical gap still needs to be filled by the research extension services in combining the technical and socio-economics aspects of irrigation farming in order to boost the country’s food production and food security
