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1. Timothy J. Fahey, Joseph B. Yavitt, Ruth E. Sherman, John C. Maerz, Peter M.Groffman, Melany C. Fisk and Patrick J. Bohlen. (2013). Earthworms, litter and soil carbon in a northern hardwood forest. Biogeochemistry, 114: 269-280.

2. Mark Bayley, Johannes Overgaard, Andrea Sødergaard Høj, Anders Malmendal,Niels C. Nielsen, Martin Holmstrup and Tobias Wang. (2010). Metabolic Changes during Estivation in the Common Earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology: Ecological and Evolutionary Approaches,

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8. Thajudin S. (1998) Journal of Plantation Of Crops - A Bibliometric Appraisal. Annals of Library Information and Documentation. 45(4): 117-124.





An earthworm is a soil living organism and seems in soil. It helps to make the soil more nutritious and used as an organic fertilizer. So earthworms are called as best partner for the soil and the farmer. This research is concentrated on earthworm analysis. The records are collected from web of science database for the period of 2007 - 2016. Total number of publications collected for this study was 3939. Composting with worms is called as vermicomposting. It is a good way to dispose all organic wastes, such as vegetable and fruit peelings. By the vermicomposting, the wastes are converted into nutritious by earthworm. In every home, wastes are converted into this vermicomposting the home and the city are clean. And it maintains the country very clean and protects the surrounding clean. And it may use for the terrace garden and home garden plants. This compost is a green way for organic vegetables, fruits, flowers and soil. Most of the agricultural universities, give the awareness and training program of vermicomposting to the farmers. And now- a-days the farming based on vermicomposting has been developing.
