Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the present status of RFID application,benefitsrealisedafterimplementing RFID, problems faced during RFID adoption and its implementation in the libraries andinformationcentresofNorthern India. The survey method of research was adopted in this research. In order to assess the required information about the implementation of RFID technology from the librarian/Inchargeof the library of the nine selected institutions of Northern India, the data was collected through a questionnaire method. Moreover, the respondents were also interviewed to obtain more information.The present study shows that all the selected libraries in Northern India are in the initial stages of RFID implementation and they are realizing the benefits of its implementation which include reductioninqueueat circulation desk /counter, extended hours of circulation without additional staff, library collection has become more secure, etc. At the same time, library staff is facing some problems with the use of RFID technology. The present study is limited to the Central, State and Deemed universities recognised by the UGC and IITs situated in Northern region of India which have implemented RFID in their libraries. Further, due to time and cost restrictions, it was not possible to cover all type of institutions.It is hoped that the outcome of the present study will give some useful suggestions/recommendations to the librarians who have implemented RFID technology in terms of its better utilisation and at the same time, it will also help the librarians who want to implement RFID system in their libraries.After an extensive review of literature, it was found that only a few studies related to the use of RFID in Indian libraries has been undertaken so far. Hence, the present study is very timely and fruitful to examine the application of RFID technology in libraries and information centres of Northern India, as the libraries and information centres in this region are unexplored for such a study
