Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Tella, A., Ayim, O. A., Olaniyi, O. T., & Memudu, S. A. (2017). .Predictors of Information Retrieval Effectiveness among Library and Information Science Undergraduates in Kwara State Universities.




In this information age, it is observed that, as the quantity of information grows the ability of individuals to search and retrieve the needed information decreases in a dramatically manner, which implies that our information retrieval activity lacks effectiveness. It assumed that some factors should be responsible; however, there is no empirical evidence that predict or determine information retrieval effectiveness. This study examined predictors of information retrieval effectiveness among Library and Information Science (LIS) undergraduate students in universities in Kwara State, Nigeria; considered correlation among the predictors of information retrieval effectiveness, identify the best predictive factor of information retrieval effectiveness, and the problems militating against information retrieval effectiveness. A simple random sampling selection of 160 undergraduate students from two universities represent the sample for the study. Through a survey approach, questionnaire was developed and used for the collection of data. Four research questions were developed to guide the study. The results demonstrated that inter-correlation exist among the independent variables/factors and Information Retrieval Effectiveness; in addition, factors such as emotional intelligence, internet self-efficacy, and use of Boolean search operators significantly correlate with and predict information retrieval effectiveness. Similarly, computer self-efficacy has the highest predictive value compare to other variables while emotional intelligence has the least predictive value of information retrieval effectiveness. Based on the findings, the study recommends that, LIS students should be more Computer self-efficacious so that they can be more effective in their information retrieval activities. It was also suggested that students should engage themselves in self-efficacy and computer training. The experience is assumed will go a long way assisting the students thereby enhance and facilitate their information retrieval activities.
