"Awareness, Availability and Accessibility of Library Resources by Stud" by Kennedy Arebamen Eiriemiokhale CLN and Moses Oladele Ibeun PhD

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study investigated the awareness, availability and accessibility of library resources by students of Kwara State University, Malete. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study and 210 undergraduate students provided the data. The findings of the study revealed that information resources were available and accessible in Kwara State University Library. The study showed that students do not know the usefulness of some of the resources and this has hampered their desire for them. Also there is a dire need of varieties of information repackaging to enhance awareness, availability and accessibility of resources in the library. Also revealed is the unfriendliness of some library staff, unclassified nature of some of the information resources. Lack of in-depth orientation on library usage with respect to the use of catalogue and the library online services were the main problems militating against accessing information resources. Therefore, library orientation should be more than mere library tour rather it should be practical in nature where students are exposed to library usage with regard to the use of the catalogue/OPAC and online resources. Current and up-to-date information resources should be made available and accessible to all students through services provided by the library staff.
