"Citation analysis of projects submitted to the Department of Chemistry" by Joseph Kehinde Fasae

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Fasae, J. K. (2018). Citation analysis of projects submitted to the Department of Chemistry and Petroleum Engineering of Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal).


The study evaluates the projects submitted to the Department of Chemistry and Petroleum Engineering of Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria using citation analysis. Descriptive survey design was used for the study. A total of 107 copies of undergraduate projects submitted between 2015–2017 to the department were retrieved. Data were extracted manually from the title pages and reference lists of each of the project examined and analyzed. The findings show that information materials mostly cited by students were journals followed by books and Seminar/Conference Proceedings. An average of 32.10 citations was cited per project by the students. From a total of 3435 citations made, 173 citations did not have the source of information, 78 citations were without the date of the publication, and 140 citations did not have author(s). It was also revealed that 58.75% of materials cited were recent while the graduating students cited more of foreign authors compared to that of Nigerians authors. It is therefore concluded that the study has certainly revealed what to look at or consider among other factors while taking decision in developing the collection or strengthen the existing information materials in the engineering library used by undergraduate students of Department of Petroleum Engineering and Chemical Engineering of ABUAD. It is recommended among others that there should be an acquisition of frequently cited and up-to-date information materials in Petroleum and Chemical Engineering programmes. Also, the supervisor should always endeavor to discharge their responsibility effectively by guiding their students on how to carry out a review of the related literature and proper citations of materials consulted.
