Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The study focused on multimedia instructional resources for effective user education programme in universities in North-Central, Nigeria. The objective of the study was to examine whether multimedia instructional resources are effectively utilized in user education programme in universities in North-Central region of Nigeria. The area of the study covered selected universities in North-Central, Nigeria which include: University of Ilorin, Kwara State, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger State and Federal University of Agriculture Makurdi, Benue State. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for this study. The total population of the study was 7,103 registered freshmen for the “Use of Library” course. A stratified random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 213 students. Instrument for data collection was questionnaire. 213 questionnaires were distributed to the first year students registered for the “Use of Library” (user education programme) and 196 were returned and used for the study. The study used frequency counts and simple percentages as statistical measures for data analysis. Result showed that multimedia instructional resources are used in user education programme to a low extent. It was also revealed that multimedia instructional resources enhance user education to a very great extent. However, challenges were identified as the militating factors against effective use of multimedia in user education which include inadequate power supply, poor funding of library, high cost of multimedia facilities, lack of ICT infrastructure and lack of competence in the use of multimedia technology. Strategies for enhancing the use of multimedia resources in user education programme include that there should be adequate power supply if multimedia must be adequately utilized; there should be provision of relevant ICT infrastructures; there should be adequate funding of library services by the government and other agencies; the user education instructors should be trained in the use of multimedia resources and that the government should subsidize or reduce the tariffs on importation of multimedia resources. The study recommended that multimedia instructional technologies should be adopted by the universities in Nigeria as a common mode of instruction in library user education programme (the use of library, library orientation, information literacy, library instruction) and other aspects of user education programme. This will help to enhance students’ understanding of various library concepts, resources and services and make them independent proficient users of library.
