Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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OLADUNJOYE M.T., OMIUNU O.G., and YOMI-OWOJORI T.O. (2018), Information behavior of students towards the use of library information resources in Universities in Oyo State, Nigeria, Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal)




The study investigated the information behavior of students towards the use of library information resources in Universities in Oyo State, Nigeria. The study adapted the Wilson’s model of Information Behavior and adopted a correlational survey research design. A sample size of four hundred respondents was drawn from selected universities in South Western Nigeria, using a simple random sampling technique. Regression analysis and correlation analysis were used to analysis data obtained from the field. The findings of this study revealed that among the information behavior independent variables which include information needs, seeking and sources, only information needs significantly influence information use. However, information needs, seeking and sources do have a significant joint effect on students’ information use. Also, information accessibility was found to have significant controlling effect on the relationship between information availability and use which makes information availability and accessibility very useful variables in the information behavior study especially as regards to students as conceptualized in the academic community in this study. The study recommends that academic library should endeavour to embark on users’ needs assessment from time to time to be able to make available needed information resources that would meet users’ needs and also enhance use of information available.
