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  1. Amsaveni N, Vasanthi R (2016). Application of Bradford’s Law of Scattering the Environmental Management Research Output: A Scientometric Study. IOSRD International Journal of Statistics. Mar-2016. Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 7-13 Journal home page:
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  1. Amsaveni, N and Manjula, M. (2015). “Evolution trend into the journal of advances in Geosciences: A Bibliometric study”. International Journal of Research Instinct, 2015. Vol.2. Issue. 1. pp. 125 –135. ISSN 2348 – 2095.
  2. Amsaveni, N., &Vasanthi, R. (2013). Authorship pattern and collaborative research in the field of network security. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 3(1), 52-54.
  3. Amsaveni, N., Manikandan, M. (2014). “Management Information System Research output: A Scientometric Study”. Journal of Current Trends in Library and Information Science: International Refereed Journal. Vol. No. 1, Issue No. 1 & 2 April & October 2014. pp 51 - 55. ISSN 2348 – 8395.
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  1. Thavamani, K., &Velmurugan, C. (2013). Authorship pattern and collaborative research work in Annals of Library and Information Studies. Proceedings of the National Conference on Next Generation Library Services, SALIS 2013 – NGLIS August 16-17, 2013, Chennai.


The main objective of this article is to find out most prolific authors and journals in the environmental management research output during 1989 to 2014. This area is an interdisciplinary subject and developed dramatically over the last few decades. Scientometrics offers assess the quantitative analytical techniques with the development and growth of research in Environmental management. The total sample data retrieved from the database of Web of Knowledge, includes, SCI, SSCI, A&HCI. Total records of 61877 research articles retrieved from 22 types of different sources. Applicability of Bradford’s law and Lotka’s law methods was tested.
