Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 6-7-2018

Document Type



Library Philosophy and Practice helps to enhance the subject knowledge


The present study Bibliometric analysis of the Journal “Nature” covers 13499 articles of 59 volumes in five years from 2013 to 2017. The aim of study was to analyze the year wise distribution of articles & citations, authorship pattern of articles, group co-efficient values for collaborative author’s publications, ranking of authors based on publications and h-index score, most productive countries and institutions, type of document published, keyword distribution, impact factor and future growth of journal. Form the analysis the following Results has been found that, in the year 2015 highest number of 2944(21.81%) articles was published out of 13499 articles in five years. Average numbers of citations per article are 33.70. Single author contribution has more dominant with 7063(52.3%) articles. A total number of 88670 authors around the globe are contributing articles in this journal. The anonymous author has been ranked top contributing maximum 987 articles. Witze A is in the second position with 179 articles. Wang J has been influenced author contributed in “Nature” journal, who produced 54 articles with having h-index 41 with 17031 citations and ranked in first place. It is identified that distribution number of references is gradually decreased year by year. In geographical distribution articles, United States of America has contributed highest number of 5815 articles with 31.07%. Majority of the participants are from University of California with 980 (7.25%) articles. The maximum number of 4719(34.96%) records is Editorial Materials which is more than one-fourth of total publications. The word “Expression” was most occurred keyword in 359(2.65%) articles. Impact Factor of the previous year (2017) is 25.95 and five-year impact factor is 33.70. The future trend of growth of research articles in “Nature” journal may take increasing for upcoming years.
