Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 6-13-2018

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The paper aims to present the awareness of library rules, use of library services and information access competency of the women faculty members (Mother Teresa Women’s University and its affiliated colleges) was investigated for their opinions and experiences about assorted techniques of information access. Data were collected through questionnaire method. Copies of the questionnaires were distributed to 87.59% of population i.e. 254 out of 290 women faculty members in their staff rooms with the permission and assistance of the registrar/principal. This study showed that 242 (95.2%) respondents agree/strongly agree that ‘they can access printed and electronic reference sources’. 235 (92.5%) respondents agree/strongly agree that ‘they can read the text and understand the main idea from the text’. 210 (82.7%) respondents agree/strongly agree that ‘they can restate the text in their own words and present data accurately’. While 83% (213) of the respondents agree/strongly agree that ‘they can identify similar information from both print and electronic resources’, This study was conducted on a single group and in a certain academic institutions namely Mother Teresa Women’s University and its affiliated colleges. Therefore findings and conclusions may not be applicable and reasonable to be generalized for all the groups i.e. guest lectures and teaching assistants. This study empirically validated the ten information access competency variables. The study also investigated the faculty age and experience, in addition to education level and academic discipline, as new affects.
