Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Ogechi N.Okorie Dr, CLN



The study examined the environmental factors as correlates of use of information resources in public university libraries in Imo and Abia States, Nigeria. It was guided by three research questions and two hypotheses. Survey and linear correlational designs were adopted for the study. A sample of 379 students was drawn from a population of 32,999 registered users of the university libraries studied. Data collected were analysed using mean scores and standard deviation for research question one and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMC) for questions two and three. The hypotheses were tested employing t-test statistics at 0.05 level of significance. Findings show that: all types of information resources listed are used in the university libraries studied while very low and insignificant relationship exists between the environmental factors and use of the information resources. Also, while the extent to which the environmental factors relate to use of information resources in the federal university libraries is very low and negative, the extent of relationship is low and positive in the state universities with a significant difference. The study recommended, among others that, the library management under study the environments to find out the detracting factors so as to remove, improve on them or work on their control so as to encourage the use of all the library resources.
