Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The study examines the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) at the Head Library of the University of Cape Coast as an information seeking tool. The study aimed to find out the role the OPAC at the library plays in the information seeking pursuits of students and their general awareness and impressions about the facility. The descriptive survey design was used as the methodology with the population of the study totaling 1000. A simple random sampling of 110 students was chosen to represent the population. Results indicated the role the OPAC plays in facilitating access to information resources and publicizing same to outsiders. While the findings show students’ awareness of the existence of the OPAC, it was revealed that the OPAC facility does not enjoy widespread use in the library. Infrastructural issues and lack of relevant skills were deemed to be some of the challenges preventing an optimum use of the facility. The study recommends the involvement of students in the search process and the provision of instructional materials to enhance students’ search skills generally.
