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The purpose of this paper is to find out the personal information management of urban youth so the image of finding, keeping, organizing, maintaining information, retrieving, using, and distributing information can be gathered. This research uses descriptive type. Descriptive type is used to describe the personal information management of urban adolescents. The location of this research is in Surabaya because Surabaya is the second largest city in Indonesia. The results showed that in the finding stage, the needs of information that were mostly needed were related to education, entertainment, fashion; the sources of information that were mostly used were internet, books; the obstacle mostly found was the unstable signal. Keeping stage illustrates that the storage form of collection was mostly soft file. Organizing stage described that the respondents conducted more filling strategy in the information management since it was easier and faster to find the file. Majority of the respondents categorized the file based on the subject. Maintaining information stage was mostly conducted by selecting information that was saved to determine whether it was still relevant or not. Furthermore, the respondents also backed up the data a lot. Retrieving stage explained how respondents were more likely to go directly to the file name instead of using search assistance. The average respondents found the file in less than 5 minutes. Using stage illustrated that kinds of information were mostly used to support the respondents’ education. Distributing information stage illustrated that most respondent spread information they have to their peers.
