Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version



The internet with its growing wings is slowly shadowing the library. It is true that the internet has brought a revolutionary change in the way information is dealt with, but the internet has also brought some perils with it. Throughout the ages, libraries have been considered as the bank of knowledge. But nowadays this faith has been challenged quite unreasonably. The evil side of the internet has manifested itself in the form of fake, false, manufactured news and information. At this juncture, it is important to burst the myth of the internet as the sole distinguished source of information and repose our trust in libraries to shun the malicious side of the internet from doing any harm to our society. In this piece, the areas where internet appears to be more attractive than library has been analyzed, and simultaneously, it has been shown that the library is still better than the internet in these areas. Further, some suggestions have been provided so that libraries can combat the current situation and regain their trust.
