Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 8-7-2018

Document Type



The present study has been undertaken to assess the online information seeking behaviour of the faculty members of Arts and Science colleges in Madurai district. A sample of 50 faculties was selected by random sampling method. The well structured questionnaire was distributed among the faculty members to collect data on the availability of online information services, the major information services used, the purpose of online information seeking and the level of satisfaction. The findings of the study reveal that: Most of the respondents (56%) are male faculty members. Majority of the respondents (32%) visit the library once a week. The majority of the respondents (37%) access information at the college library. Majority of the respondents (43%) need/use online information for their career development. (42%) of the respondents are satisfied with the online sources available in the library. Most of the respondents (33%) use Wikipedia. Majority of the respondents (63%) use search engines to look for information. Majority of the respondents (30%) complained about Lack of time as their major problem in accessing online resources.
