Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This research aims to assess reading materials chosen by students of Library and Information Science Program of Universitas Indonesia. Types of reading materials chosen by students determine the quality of learning process result. Department of Library and Information Science of Universitas Indonesia as the first higher education institution providing library program can be used as a benchmark of the development of library science in Indonesia. The findings of this research show that students of Library Science Program visited library and logged in to library website looking for reading materials several times in a week. Students of Library Science Program rarely looked for reading materials using search engine (Google for example). Reading materials often read are printed book as many as 50% and international journal as many as 22%, e-book 21%, national journal 6.5%. Reading materials based on language use (56.5%) is a dominant factor for students to determine reading materials, other factors are ease in reading (22%) and comfort in holding printed books (19%). Based on affiliations, domestic authors and publishers remained the first choice for students. Meanwhile, compared to authors who are also academics and trained librarian, students still chose academics (91,9%) as the first choice.
