Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 8-17-2018

Document Type



Adams, B. (2010). The cautions faculty: their awareness and attitude towards institutional repositories. Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science. 14(2),17_37.

Adogbeji, E.A. (2005). Times flies when you’re having fun: cognitive absorption and beliefs about information technology usage. MIS. Quarterly 24.

Amoritpal, J. (2000). University students’ perception of the Internet. An explorative study. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 25(7), 456 – 461.

Andrew, J. (2011). The Importance of Search Engine to Colleges in Africa.School Library Journal, 45(5), 23-27.

Burton, P. (2011). ICT use of Students in Edo and Delta State library schools. Library Review 52(7), 60-62.


This article will be very useful for researchers as well as undergraduate students.



The Study surveyed the frequency of search engines use by undergraduates students, the features of the search engines, benefits of the search engines as well as problems militating against, the use of search engines by students. Awareness is a necessity to the usage of search engines, when a new technology comes to existence (search engines) and its knowledge is not known, its usefulness will not be embrace. The study also brought out recommendation which include the following, there is need for promotional activities towards creating awareness such as internet, debate and workshops. This will create awareness on the part of the students. University authority should organize search engine use training programmes that will help the students to improve upon their search for information and also use the major search engines regularly.
