"Users’ Perception for Quality Service Delivery in Albert Ilesanmi Ilem" by Ishola Bolanle Clifford Mr, Peter Oluwaseyi et al.

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The study investigated Users’ perception for quality service delivery in Albert Ilesanmi Ilemobode Library, Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA). The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study; the major instrument for generating data collection was the questionnaires. In carrying out the research, a case study research method was adopted while the researchers made use of random sampling techniques. The Sampling size for this research consists of 10% of registered post graduate students of Albert Ilesanmi Ilemobode Library; hence 200 respondents were selected for the study. However, only 192 respondents completed and returned the questionnaires. The data collected were analyzed using frequency tables, and percentages. The findings of the study showed that the library was used more frequently by students. The perceptions of the quality of library services were found to be satisfactory in the library. The library environment and information resources were considered adequate by Albert Ilesanmi Ilemobode Library users, the most valued aspects of the library were the library collections, and the friendliness and willingness of library staff to assist users. It was also found that users derived a number of benefits from using the library. In the view of above findings the research recommended that the academic library should have a specific guideline for measuring their value. The research work considers the nature of library value and made recommendations for improving library services.

Keywords: Academic libraries; User Satisfaction, Library Services, Service Quality, Value
