Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 12-4-2018

Document Type



  • Information Systems Research. (2018.). Scopus. Retrieved November 11, 2018 from

  • ResearchGate. ( n.d.). Retrieved November 17, 2018 from

  • Scimago Journal and Country Rank. (n.d.). Retrieved November 17, 2018 from

  • Subramanyam, K. (1983). Bibliometric studies of research in collaboration: A review. Journal of Information Science, 6 (1), 33-38.
  • University of Leeds. (n.d.) Measuring research impact: What are bibliometrics? Retrieved November 28, 2018 from


The present study focuses on the bibliometric analysis of the renowned journal Information Systems Research in the Library and Information Science field. The study reveals that most number of articles (75) in the journal was published in Volume 23 i.e. year 2012. Multiple authorship has got the priority in this journal over single authorship. Degree of collaboration among the authors is 0.92. USA being the most productive country regarding the contributors and University of Maryland holds the maximum number of contributions as per the authors’ affiliations. Regarding citation, time has an inverse relationship with the growth of citation. Information system is the subject on which the maximum number of contributions (i.e. 123) has been made in this journal. Articles are the predominant document type in this journal.
