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The Use of Performance Measurement in Universities of Pakistan

Date of this Version

Winter 12-1-2018

Document Type




Purpose: The performance measurement includes collecting the information regarding the individual’s performance to analyze for the reporting. Performance measurement’s main aspect is to identify the exertion are being achieved or not. This is the main purpose of performance measurement in the current study of Pakistani Universities. Moreover, the focus on the performance measurement is still not very strong in Pakistani educational system. Few observations made from the recent studies are that the enrollment in the university has been raised up to a great extent from past few years.

Methodology: This research paper is focus on “The Use of Performance Measurement in Universities of Pakistan” the data were gathered the external sources that is the secondary sources mainly literature review for data collection.

Implications: The performance of Pakistani Universities or higher education institutions providing support ll improve due to performance measurement. Performance measurement in higher education always calls for higher accountability for its trends to implement. Things that are not good for the performance will be either eliminated or reduced whereas things that are really benefiting the university will be increased and more focus will be placed on them.

Keywords: Performance, performance management, performance measurement, performance measurement in universities and Higher education institutions.

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