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Date of this Version

Winter 12-24-2018

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  1. Lotka, A. J. The frequency distribution of scientific productivity, Journal of Washington Academy of Sciences, 1926, 16, 317-323.
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Lotka’s Law describes the frequency of publications by authors in a given subject/discipline. In the present study, an attempt has been made to study the suitability of the Lotka’s Law to the publications of a Higher Educational institution of a region consisting of academic authors and researchers in various disciplines. Annamalai University has been ranked 20th in the state level and 56th at National level by MHRD. Annamalai University is renowned for its research output performance and has been funded for many major, minor and DST research projects. It has a large network and linkages to academia, R&D organisations and industries. It covers almost all the subjects with 10 Faculties and 49 departments of study. Examines the applicability of Lotka’s Law as a general inverse power (a # 2) and as an inverse square power relationship (a = 2) to the distribution of the research productivity Annamalai University, South India. Two datasets of the research papers (936 and 3370) contributed by Annamalai University academic authors and researchers during the period of 2000-2006 and 2011-2017 were collected from Web of Science Database. A K-S Test was applied to measure the degree of agreement between the distribution of the observed set of data against the inverse general power relationship and the theoretical value of a=2. It was found that the inverse square law of Lotka does not show conformity as such.
