"An Investigation into the Effective Factors on the Intention to Commer" by Ali Biranvand, Mohammad Hassan Seif et al.

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The purpose of this study was to provide a causal model for factors affecting the commercialization of academic research. This study is applied research in terms of purpose and a descriptive study of correlation type in terms of method. The statistical population consists of 499 graduate students at Engineering School of Shiraz University. The data gathering tool was a questionnaire. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to assess its reliability. In this research, the effect of following variables on attitude to the commercialization of Knowledge (ACK) of knowledge is investigated: psychological empowerment (PE), self-efficacy, university policy (UP), social capital (SC), and perceived behavioral al control. The results of this study, based on the obtained correlation coefficients, show that the intention to the commercialization of Knowledge (ICK) has a separate and significant relation with PE, perceived behavioral control (PBC) and ACK at the level of 0.01 and with the SC variable at the level of 0.05. Furthermore, the ICK has no significant relationship with self-efficacy and UP.
