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Winter 1-11-2019

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This study discusses the information literacy of online media journalist Pandit Football. The purpose of this study is to identify the ability of the journalists in presenting the information that would be consumed by the readers. This research uses qualitative approach with case study method. Collecting data from 5 informants was conducted in January-May 2018. In analyzing the capabilities of journalists, this study used the information literacy standard issued by the International Federations of Library Association and Institutions (IFLA). The results of this study indicated that the information literacy that the journalists had, was able to support each individual in completing his duties as a journalist. The Pandit Football journalists had been able to identify the information needed through their regular editorial meetings and found the required information from the various media available. However, there was a need for enhancing their capability, which was the ability to communicate the information based on ethics. This was necessary because there were some activities that could be problematic if not carefully considered, such as quoting sources and communicating with readers.
