"Impact of Reading habits on the Academic Achievements: A Survey" by Kumara B and B T. Sampath Kumar

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 1-30-2019

Document Type



Kumara, B., & Sampath Kumar, B. T. (2019). Impact of Reading habits on the Academic Achievements: A Survey. Library Philosophy and Practice.


The present paper examines the impact of reading habits on the academic achievements of the students and faculty members in the universities of Karnataka state. The survey was conducted using a well design and structured questionnaire. A total of 2463 postgraduate students, research scholars and faculty members participated in the study. The study population consisted of an equal number of males (50.2%) and female (49.8%) and most of them (63%) are from rural areas. The study found that the majority of the respondents are from Science (48.8%) disciplines. The study found that almost all the respondents have reading habits and most of the them read at their home (69.1%), followed by university library (48.6%). It is very interesting to note that 57.7% of the respondents read books everyday. The study found that, most of the respondents preferred to read newspapers/magazines (69.5%), followed by books (58.9%). The study found that to a great extent, the majority of the respondents read various information sources, because they are interested in the topic of the study (53.2%). The study found that, the reading habit has made an impact on the academic achievements of the respondents. Further, it is found that reading habit has been acting as a channel for gaining real world of knowledge. Further, it also improved mental capacity and enhanced the reading skills in everyday life.
