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Spring 4-21-2019

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Books and Articles

Arfianto. (2016). Implementasi Metode Penelitian Studi Kasus Dengan Pendekatan Kualitatif. Yogyakarta: Aswaja Pressindo.

Ariwibowo, Agus and Fidayani. (2017). Makin Syari Makin Cantik. Jakarta: PT. Elex Media Komputindo.

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Patrutiu-Baltes, Loredana. (2012) The Impact of Digitalization on Business Communication. SEA - Practical Application of Science Journal, Volume IV, Issue 2 (11), p. 319-325.

Purwaningwulan, Melly Maulin, and Uud Wahyudin. (2017). Social Media Usage Trends as Media Promotion in Islamic Perspective, Proceeding UAD Reviving Islamic Values in Response to Human Crisis, p. 348.

Purwaningwulan, Melly Maulin. (2017). Strategi Public Relations Industri Islamic Fashion Indonesia dalam Membentuk Branding “Cantik Islami”, Book Chapter of Public Relations and Branding, Unpad Press, p. 56 & 66.

Moleong, Lexy J. (2013). Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Edisi Revisi. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya.

Uraltaş, Nazlim Tüzel. (2014). New Digital Marketing Actors: Private Shopping Clubs And Their Advertising Practices, Journal of Media Critiques (JMC) P-ISSN: 2056-9785 E-ISSN: 2056 9793, p. 13.

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Svetlana, Lesidrenska and Dicke Philipp. (2012). Social-Media Platforms And Its Effect On Digital Marketing Activities, Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій Journal, Number 1, p. 44-52.

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Hamid, Farid. (2015). Hijab Sebagai Identitas Diri dalam Kajian Komunikasi Artifaktual pada Pengguna Jilbab Di Kota Bandung, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Padjadjaran.


Tsurayya, Layli. (2016) Konsep Jilbab dan Identitas Keagamaan. Program Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 2016.


Interview with Demaz Hadi, MICE Manager of Rabbani - Muslim Fashion Brand (July 8, 2018)

Interview with Dian Wahyu Utami, Founder/Owner/Creative Director of Dian Pelangi (February 6, 2018)

Interview with Hafsyah, Creative Content Supervisor of HijUp (December 13, 2017)

Interview with M. Kh. Rachman Ridhatullah, Marketing, Director of PT Sygma Media Inovasi and also Lecturer (December 5, 2017)

Interview with Shafira Sidratul Muntaha Siswanda, Public Relations of Hijabers Community (November 11, 2017)

Interview with Yuki Hastarina, Owner of KIMI - Muslim women or Muslimah’s Fashion Brand (January 6, 2018)

Internet: (accessed on April 17, 2018 at 09.07 AM)

Jokowi Ingin Desainer Rancang Busana Muslim yang Khas Indonesia

Retrieved from accessed on April 19, 2018 at 02.30 PM.

Bukan Hanya Murah Meriah Ini Dia Keuntungan Promosi Memakai Media Sosial

Retrieved from (accessed on July 7, 2018 at 10.00 AM)


This research purposed to in-depth analyzing about the existence of social media as promotional media in the hijab image revolution in Indonesia, to examine it’s cause and give the picture of hijab image in Indonesia. This research is conducted with qualitative approach and case study method. The result showed that social media increasingly exist in promoting Muslim fashion, because of the changed in Muslim consumers who are more religious but also more intense using social media. Hijab image revolution was encouraged by the communities and role models who emigrated (hijrah). Hijab image became diverse, characterized self identity, and the depth of the faith. Research concluded that the existence of social media has inspired Muslim women (Muslimah) in Indonesia to wear hijab,creating fashion trends powerfully, give an alternative in dressing, but also caused the shifts of the true meaning of hijab. This research affected the policy of Islamic product’s promotional creative content.
