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The aim of this study is to identify the influence of to the information needs. The research approach is quantitative approach with descriptive research type through survey. The respondent is graduate student of Library Science Universitas Indonesia which graduated in 2017 and used amounted to 44 respondents. Based on the calculation of the regression coefficients, all the variables showed a positive value to usability (0.927), information quality (0.983), and service interaction quality (1.343). The results shows that all independent variables have a direct positive relationship to the dependent variable. The independent variables which give the dominant influence is service interaction quality with a regression coefficient 1.343. The coefficient determination test (R-Square) shows 0.426, which means 42.6% of quality of the capable to explain all of the information needs variables. While the 57.4% are influenced by other variables that are not examined in this study. This means that has a fairly strong relationship toward fulfillment of job vacancy information needs for bachelor degree graduate of batch 2013 Library Science Program, Universitas Indonesia.
