Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 1-28-2019

Document Type



Information Technology has become the most relevant technology that has evolved and helped every field of human endeavours, nursing and midwifery cannot be an exception. It is with this knowledge background that this study was conducted to see the level of utilization of Information Communication Technology by the student of Post Basic Midwifery student of Oyo State College of Nursing and Midwifery. A survey question was carefully drawn to extract information in this regard. The data collected was processed using SPSS 16.0 for its analysis.

The study revealed most of the respondents used of the internet frequently and daily, they used internet for literature searches and reading recommended coursework respectively; majority of the respondents were confident about handling mouse, using keyboard, proficient in the use of Microsoft word and other word processing applications, majority do not know how to use Microsoft excel and spreadsheet package, power-point presentation package effectively. A slight number above average were confident about surfing the internet, accessing e-mails, social media while majority do not know how to use Medline and data management.
