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Winter 1-29-2019

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Dear Professor Mary K. Bolin,

Editor-in-Chief, Library Philosophy and Practice

On behalf of my co-author, I am pleased to submit a new manuscript entitled “Challenges and problems of Library and Information Science Research ” for consideration by Library Philosophy and Practice.

We believe that the manuscript is appropriate for publication by your world-class International Journal, Library Philosophy and Practice as this journal publishes both qualitative and quantitative types of research on issues on Challenges and problems of concern to research in library and information science.

It is considered that our manuscript can be a good point of departure for future studies regarding this issue in different universities around the world. Also, it can be useful for LIS professionals, higher education policy-makers and managers and makers of standards and ethics in research, practice and education in future planning of library and information science and other societies on the globe.

Hereby I confirm that this manuscript has not been published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. I guarantee that I have checked that no plagiarism has occurred in the present manuscript and all original references have been read, studied, and cited. I confirm that all figures, tables, or schemes are original and are created by authors of this manuscript unless otherwise stated and then official permission has been obtained from authors and the publisher.

I attest to the fact that all authors listed on the title page have read the manuscript, attest to the validity and legitimacy of the data and its interpretation, and agree to its submission to the Library Philosophy and Practic. I confirm that instruction for authors of this journal has been read carefully and all points are compiled for the whole manuscript.

We have no conflicts of interest to disclose, and all authors agree with the contents of the manuscript.

Please address all correspondence concerning this manuscript to me at Thank you for your consideration of this manuscript.


Zahra Rezazadeh

Corresponding Author

Authors: Prof. Zohreh Mirhosseini



This study aims to identify the factors of Challenges and problems of Library and Information Science Research from the perspective of field specialists in Iran .This study examines one of these experiences to explanation conditions and strategies necessary for the success of such experience. This research, on the other hand has tried to clarify factors that affect on research .The method of the study is grounded theory. The survey was adopted for data collection through Deep and semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect information with 13 knowledge and science experts selected by mixed or mixed purpose sampling. After three steps of coding (Strauss & Corbin, 1998), the central phenomenon of the study was identified: " Research pathology in knowledge and information science” . Then paradigmatic model was developed. The results show that Human challenges ,Lack of time management, Financial crisis ,Lack of research popularity, Weak research structure, Lack of commitment ,Problem making ,Duplication, Lack of strategic planning are the most important affecting the phenomenon. four main outcome of this phenomenon is Implementation,Nativism ,Empowering information consultation and Research empowerment.
