"ResearchGate Profiles of Naval Architecture Scientists in India: An Al" by Sheeja NK and Susan Mathew K.

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This study aims to conduct an altmetrics analysis of researchers on Indian Naval Architecture. The study covered sixty-fourfacultymembersonNaval Architecture discipline from six higher education institutions in India. The profile page of ResearchGate (RG) was visited to collect altmetrics indicators. The study also tried to perform scientometric analysis of publication outputs, citations and H-index of the researchers using the Scopus database. The study further investigated the correlation of altmetrics and scientometric indicators with Pearson correlation test. The study found that the 65 percent of the researchers has an account in RG with their publications being uploaded in RG. Most of them received citations in a range of 1-50 and H-index of 1-5. Their publications have received reads in a range of 1000 to 5000 and obtained RG score of10-15. Naval architecture scientists have relatively low followers, and they are following a limited number of their peers. There is a significant correlation between the range of citations and H-index received by the naval architecture scientists in Scopus and RG. The study also shows the correlation among the range of publications indexed in Scopus and added in RG.
