Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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This study investigated awareness and utilization of social media by tertiary institutions’ librarians in Abia and Imo states. The purposes that guided the study are to: establish the extent of awareness of social media for library services by tertiary institutions’ librarians in Abia and Imo states, ascertain the extent to which social media are used by librarians, and factors militating against the utilization of social media for library services. The survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised all 149 librarians in 12 government-owned tertiary institutions in Abia and Imo States. The instrument used for data collection was the rating scale. To answer the research questions of the study, tables, mean () and standard deviation were used, while ANOVA statistics was used for testing the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significane. Findings of the study revealed that; tertiary institutions' librarians in Abia and Imo states are aware of social media to a high extent; social media tools are used to a high extent; unreliable power supply, inadequate internet connectivity are among the factors militating against the use of social media by librarians in the provision of library services. Based on the findings, the following were recommended: awareness of social media should be intensified by librarians of these institutions; librarians and patrons should acquire the necessary technologies that are amenable to social media use and there should be steady and reliable power supply among others.