Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The paper should be publish in library and information science journal. Thank you.


The study is on causes of delinquent acts in Nigerian University libraries: A case study of Delta State University Library ,Abraka. In rendering adequate services there is the need to guard library information resources from any form of delinquent behavior carried out by library users . Survey research design was employed for the study. The population of the study consists of both students and library staff. Structured questionnaire was used to elicit data from the respondents. Mean was used to analyzed the data collected. Findings of the study among others revealed that textbooks, reference books, journals and newspapers are stocked in the university libraries, refusing to return overdue borrowed materials, hiding library materials, vandalism, and mutilation are the various form of delinquent act among users. Refusing library users to borrow books and other information resources, students dissatisfaction, harsh economic situation, lack of photocopying services and lack of security among others are responsible for delinquent behavior among users.The study concludes that tightening security at the library entrance and exits, provision of multiple copies of heavily used text and constant supervision of library materials are the possible solutions to delinquent act among users in university libraries. It was recommended that delinquent act among users could be control by organizing orientation and users' education on the usage of library materials for the users, seminars and workshops for the librarians on how to safe guard library information resources.
