"Library Facilities, Sources and Services in the Medical and allied Col" by Dr. Jayaprakash G. Hugar and B. U. Kannappanavar

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to determine the true complexion of the present status of the libraries, existing facilities, resources and electronic services available in the government medical, dental, nursing, pharmacy colleges and private nursing, pharmacy, homeopathic and ayurveda medical colleges in the state of Goa.

Methodology: Survey method adopted for the present study. A well-structured questionnaire was designed keeping the objectives in mind and distributed to the respective college librarians and collected the required primary data. Collected data were analyzed using statistical tools with the help of SPSS software.

Findings: It is clear from the study that, 87.5% college libraries under the study are having less than 5 library staff. 12.5% college library (i.e. GMC) is having 16 to 20 library staff respectively. The study reveals that, five colleges out of eight colleges under the study are having full time librarians. 12.5% librarians belonged to less than 30 years, 37.5% librarians belonged to 31 to 35 years age group and 25% librarians each is aged between 45 to 50 and more than 50 years age group respectively. The majority of the librarians have experience between 16 to 30 years of experience. All the colleges under the study are not having scientific and technical reports, electronic databases, standards, patents and audio visual collection in their college libraries.
