Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 1-30-2019

Document Type



Ali, Muhammad Shabbir , Lodhi, Muhammad Ehsan , Aslam, Sarfraz , Amir, Muhammad, Chughtai, Attia Naseem , Qurashi, K. S. A., Asgha, Faisal r, Khan, Nosheen, Sultan, Fahid and Mahmood, Amir (2014), Impact of Information Technology on Higher Education in Pakistan (A Study on People of Faisalabad, Pakistan), International Journal of Business and Management Invention, Vol.3(2), p-44-53


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Tyagi Uma , Yanthan Zuchamo , Kumar Vinod and Tyagi Anil Kumar (2018), ICT competency framework for LIS professionals in India: a modular quotient, Ann Lib Info Studies, 65(3), p-170-176.


Library plays a vital role in academic institutions of higher learning. In the 21st century information technology has revolutionized the field of library and information science globally. In this context the present study is aimed to see the status of under graduate colleges of Assam and their attached libraries with special reference to Lakhimpur district of the state of Assam. It is found that library activities in these institutions of higher learning are lagging behind reason of which is lack of initiative to upgrade the library facilities up to date using modern technologies. Due to this the satisfaction level of users is much lower and might cause harm to the society.
