Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



  1. Liyi Zhang, Pinghao Ye, Qihua Liu. (2010). A survey of the use of electronic resources at seven universities in Wuhan, China. 67-77.,
  2. Sinha, Manoj Kumar. (1990). Studies on Role and Development of Information Science and Information Technology in India: A literary survey- MLIS Dissertation. Bhagalpur. Bhagalpur University.
  3. Chen, H. L., Cannon, D., Gabrio, J., Leifer, L., Toye, G., & Bailey, T. (2005). Using wikis and weblogs to support reflective learning in an introductory engineering design course. Paper presented at the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition.
  4. Dickey, M. D. (2004). The impact of web-logs (blogs) on student perceptions of isolation and alienation in a web based distance-learning environment. Open Learning, 19(3), 279-291.
  5. Bartlett-Bragg, A. (2003). Blogging to learn. Knowledge Tree E-Journal.
  6. Ferdig, R. E., & Trammell, K. D. (2004). Content delivery in the Blogosphere. The Journal.
  7. Oravec, J. (2005). Blending by blogging: Weblogs in blended learning initiatives. Journal of Educational Media, 28(2/3), 225-233.
  8. Baim, S. (2004). Blogs help create learning community. Online class room.
  9. Baskaran, C. MOOCS Applications in Open Distance Leaning (ODL): Issues and Challenges, Library and Information Science in the Age of MOOCs, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5146-1.ch010,2018.

10. Joseph Jestin, K. J., & Ally Sornam, S. (2016). Use of e-resources by the faculty members of engineering colleges in Kerala: A survey. International Journal of Digital Library Services, 6(3), 31-38.

11. Baskaran, C (2011). User perception of library services in academic institutions in the southern districts of Tamil Nadu, India: A case study, Library Philosophy and Practice (e-Journal), accessed at

12. Ángel Borrego., & Lluís Anglada. (2016). Faculty information behaviour in the electronic environment: Attitudes towards searching, publishing and libraries. New Library World, 117(3/4), 173-185. DOI: 10.1108/NLW-11-2015-0089

13. Md. Sohail & Shakil Ahmad. (2017). Use of Electronic Resources and Services by Faculty Members and Students of Fiji National University. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 37(3), 165-171. DOI: 10.14429.

14. Baskaran, C (2013). Research productivity of Alagappa University during 1999-2011: A bibliometric study, DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 33(3),236-242.

15. Felicitas Ciabere Ratanya. (2017). Institutional repository: Access and use by academic staff at Egerton University, Kenya. Library Management, 384/5, 276-284. DOI: 10.1108/LM-02-2017-0018

16. Baskaran ,C and Rameshbabu, P. (2019). The substantial research on Quantitative analysis and Publications measure in Forensic Medicine, Library Philosophy and Practice (e-Journal), accessed at

17. Josep Lladós- Masllorens., Eduard Aibar., Antoni Meseguer- Artola., Julià Minguillón., & Maura Lerga. (2017). Explaining teaching uses of Wikipedia through faculty personal and contextual features. Online Information Review, 41(5), 728-743. DOI: 10.1108/OIR-10-2016-0298.

18. Franklina Adjoa Yebowaah & Florence Dedzoe Dzokotoe Plockey. (2017).Awareness and Use of Electronic Resources in University Libraries: A Case Study of University for Development Studies Library. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 1562, 1-32.

19. Baskaran, C(2018). Emerging E-Learning Technology (ELT) in Open Distance Learning (ODL): The Contemporary Issues in Higher Education Context, Library and Information Science in the Age of MOOCs, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5146-1.ch012.

20. Baskaran,C .(2013). Accessing Pattern of Electronic Journals through UGC-Infonet by the Faculty Members and Research Scholars in Alagappa University: A Study, Pearl: A Journal of Library and Information Science, 7(1),31-37.

21. Baskaran, C. (2014). Information resources access pattern at Alagappa university Library, Karaikudi, and Tamilnadu, india. International Journal of Library and Information Studies, 4(1), 19-23.

  1. 22. Baskaran, C. (2012). Electronic journals accessing through UGC-infonet consortium by the faculty members and research scholars in Alagappa University, India. Available from: [accessed Feb 04 2019].




The study analyses the faculty members have tried to get the e-resources for them needful in terms of academic research at South State Universities of Tamilnadu. It analyses that Out of 380 respondents, the male respondents are found 263(69.21%), the Ph.D. qualified respondents are found 285(75%). it is found that Madurai Kamaraj University and Alagappa University have respondents of each 130 (34.21%). it is found that all 380 (100%) respondents are aware of E-Resources available in the University Library. it is seen that 181 (47.66%) respondents are accessing the scholarly information via E-Resources on daily basis, 109 (28.68%) respondents are using once in two days. (22.40%) respondents from MSU the majority of 82 (96.50%) respondents got training from University Libraries and only 3 (3.50%) respondents are not getting the Training. , it is seen that 210 (55.26) respondents are extremely satisfied on OPAC/Web OPAC. 205(53.90) respondenrts are extremely satisfied on E-Databases, 192(50.52) respondents are extremely satisfied on Automated circulation services.
