Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Adeleke, A.A., Arikawe, S. and Asaolu, A. (2015). Nigerian Libraries and Information Literacy

in the 21St Century: How Far, So Far? BİLGİ DÜNYASI, 16 (1) 127-140

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This study reported about information literacy among undergraduates in Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo, Nigeria. Six research questions guided the study. Survey method was used for the study. 150 copies of questionnaire were administered to the respondents but 147 copies were filled and returned. Analysis was done using simple statistical tools of frequency counts, percentage and bar chart. The study revealed that undergraduate students of Adeyemi College of Education are fully aware of the concept Information Literacy Skills. It also indicated that the courses that undergraduate students of Adeyemi College of Education are taught Information Literacy Skills are Library Instruction Programme and Use of Computer among others. The findings show that the problems encountered by the undergraduate students of Adeyemi College of Education in the learning of information literacy skills are overcrowded class; inadequate learning equipment and poor/inadequate information literacy evaluation and assessment. It concludes that librarians and teachers in the field should strongly make collaborated effort in teaching information literacy in the college using modern equipment.
