Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 4-9-2019

Document Type



In this 21st century is information and knowledge revolution? . Many electronic resources have been made most available in the libraries. The increase in availability of information on the Internet has improved Information seeking behavior and needs of most postgraduate students around the globe. Types of information, in a large variety of formats and from many different database, are freely accessible at one place. In the present society, the types of information and the media which present them have become manifold and multifarious, offering many postgraduates students ample opportunity to make choice of selection. Regardless of the group in a human society that is discussed, each one bases its actions upon current information and discards the earlier data. Philosophers emphasize the direct, experiential acquisition of knowledge in the material, physical plane of existence as the most proper form of information. So, no one can deny that knowledge and information are vital.
