Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 5-1-2019

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University of South Africa Pretoria


There is an increasing interest in studying the level of adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) resources by researchers of various disciplines with the effective adoption of ICTs having a proven record of significant academic, social, economic and environmental benefits. The aim of the study was to evaluate the level of adoption of ICT resources and the usage of alternatives in obtaining research information by researchers of a federal research institute in Nigeria. The research was carried out at the Federal Institute of Industrial Research Oshodi (FIIRO) Nigeria. A questionnaire was distributed to 165 researchers of the institute but usable returns totaled 114 (67%). This study revealed that FIIRO researchers utilized varying ICT resources and they had a good level of ICT competency in adopting ICT resources available to them as they carry out their work. Additionally, the institute lacked the ICT infrastructure for FIIRO researchers to fully adopt ICTs. The institute did not have internet connectivity. Considering this gap, researchers used alternative sources in the form of mobile devices, personally-provided laptops/desktops (with personal internet subscription) and internet-providing business centers (cybercafés) outside the institution’s premises to access information for their research. The study recommended that FIIRO management should provide adequate number of computers for researchers and unhindered internet connectivity for easy access to research information. This paper emanates from the doctoral thesis submitted at the University of South Africa, titled Information Needs and Information Seeking Behavior of Researchers in an industrial research institute in Nigeria.
