Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This paper discussed application of web 2.0 technology in library and information centres in developing countries. It started with the introduction that enable libraries to serve patrons efficiently, it also enhances collaborations, engenders participation, promotes interaction and creates an environment for openness in libraries. It further discussed some of the web 2.0 technology in library and information centres such as blogs, Rich Site Summary (RSS), instant massager, social networking sites, among others. The paper also highlighted challenges faced by developing countries libraries in application of web 2.0 technology such as digital divide, Inadequate ICT infrastructure, lack of policies to support Web 2.0, inadequate staff capacity, lack of maintenance culture, among others. Based on this discussions, the paper concluded and recommended policies of web 2.0 should be formulated and implemented, the government should provide adequate ICT infrastructures for libraries in developing countries, government and other institutions should try as much as possible to bridge the digital gap. This will enable developing countries libraries to take the full benefits of web 2.0 in library and information centres.
