Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 4-8-2019

Document Type



Okolo E. S.(2019) Web 2.0 for Reference Services: An Overview


This paper examines what the concept of web 2.0 is all about and it attributes by using an acronym SLATES to explain what web 2.0 entails and they are as follows: Search: this is the ease of finding information through keyword search which makes the platform valuable Links: guides to important pieces of information. The best pages are the most frequently linked to.Authoring: the ability to create constantly updating content over a platform that is shifted from being the creation of a few to being the constantly updated, interlinked work. In Wikis, the content is iterative in the sense that the people undo and redo each other’s work. In blogs, content is cumulative in that posts and comments of individuals are accumulated over time.Tags: categorization of content by creating tags that are simple, one-word descriptions to facilitate searching and avoid rigid, pre-made categories.Extensions: automation of some of the work and pattern matching by using algorithms e.g. recommendations.Signals: the use of RSS (Really Simple Syndication) technology to notify users with any changes of the content by sending e-mails to them.” The various web 2.0 tools such as social networks, wiki, blogs, microblogging etc. it also talks about the application of these tools in the provision of effective and efficient reference services. The paper alsoaddressthe effects of web 2.0 application on library and information professionals and the library users. The constraints to the application of web 2.0 for reference services.
