Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



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This paper is titled roles of library services to prison inmates’ rehabilitation in selected prisons of south western Nigeria. This study sought to examine the roles of public libraries in rehabilitation of prison inmates’ in Ekiti and Osun State Prison facilities through the provision of valuable information. the paper exposes Services rendered by Prison Libraries in Osun and Ekiti States, Nigeria, it examined the information needs of the prisoners in Osun and Ekiti States, Nigeria, extent to which the prison libraries are meeting the information needs of the prisoners in Osun and Ekiti States, Nigeria and commonly observed obstacles inmates face daily in sourcing for and utilising of information resources in Nigerian prisons, prison library infrastructure, and services are outdated, not human-friendly and inadequate. It was recommended in the paper that for lasting reformation and rehabilitation to take place, unequivocal access to relevant library information resources through reading is undisputable in their struggle for survival, reconstruction, corrections and final reintegration into Nigerian society.
