Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version



Purpose:-The use of academic profiling sites is becoming more common, and emerging technologies boost researchers’ visibility and exchange of ideas. In this paper highlighted profiling sites. These sites are Research Gate,, Google Scholar Citations, Researcher ID and ORCID, Scopus ID, Blogs, Personal Websites etc.

Design/methodology/approach:- The paper adopts the methodology of simple literature review and personal practical experience. The paper reveals a practical case of digital footprint management.

Findings:- Due to the need for librarians to embrace the unleashed steps in creating a digital footprint of themselves in the present dynamic information environment and emerging knowledge society, the various online avenues are revealed, which can lead the way for librarians in the journey of making a mark in the digital society. The concept of digital structural change is also raised, in connection with building a digital society. Some major points are raised in the paper which would immensely aid the contemporary librarian in building a lasting positive image, and reaching the apex in the library profession. Such major points as: personal branding of librarians, and managing your digital footprints.
