Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 2-18-2019

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The aim of the study was to analyze an evaluative study for the acquisition of library resources: a case study of NITT library Zaria. To achieve this, the survey research method was used. Subjects were drawn from NITT library using the simple random sampling technique. The researcher used questionnaires as an instrument to collect data from a total of thirty five (35) respondents made up the total sample size for the study. Data collected were presented in tables while descriptive statistics which included percentages and frequency were used to analyze the bio-data of the respondents and to answer the research questions. Five research questions guided the study. Research findings showed that NITT library lack adequate and qualified professional staff to manage the library property and effectively. To this end, the researcher recommended that the library should employ a qualified and professional staff to manage the library, since it matters greatly in the acquisition and resources utilization in special libraries and services especially in the N.I.T.T library. The staff should be the type that has interest in the job, to create a balance between the NITT library staff and their users to avoid setbacks in the academic activities of the students. It is also important for the library to take inventories, of their stocks. This exercise will intimate the library management with the magnitude of whatever mal-practice may be presented with the library.
