Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 2-19-2019

Document Type



Diyaolu, A.M and Oso, O.O (2019).Challenges of Integrated Library System (ILS) Migration in selected Academic Libraries in Oyo State, Nigeria.


This study was conducted among the academic libraries within Oyo state to share their experience with an integrated library system (ILS) migration project, as a review of an emerging national discuss on ICT and library services for sustainable development in Nigerian Education sector. This study takes a systematic approach to provide a snapshot of the adopted ILS functions and key factors affecting the outcome of the library’s Software migration project. Stratified sampling was used in the administration of questionnaire and the result reveals the challenges and opportunities facing academic libraries in an environment with rapidly changing technology and increasingly sophisticated academic users. Recommendations were made on how to improve the current existing systems based on the findings, these includes; making extensive feasibility study on the migration project, training of staff in key aspects of migration as well as payments of additional incentives to staff as a motivational tool.
