Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 5-3-2019

Document Type



American Health Information Management Association, available at (Accessed on 10 Jan 2019).

Burton J E, The impact of medical libraries and literature on patient care in New Zealand, Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 83(4) (1995) 425-430.

Kinengyere and et al., Factors affecting utilization of electronic health information resources in Universities in Uganda (2012).

Kranich N and Senteio C, Library Engagement with Community-based Health and Wellness in Diverse Communities

Mohammed Badamasi B and Mudassir A Abule, An Examination of Health Information Service Provision at Federal Medical Center, Katsina, Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, (2015) 503-508

Nair B and Anand E, Emerging roles and activities of health sciences librarians: A literature review (2004–2014). Qscience Connect, (2016).

Rubenstein E L, Health information and health literacy: public library practices, challenges and opportunities. Public Library Quarterly, 35(1) (2015) 49-71

Sociology Group, available at (Accessed on 10 Jan 2019).


The study examined the perception and usage of health information sources and services by the urban community users of public libraries. The study investigated 110 users from two public libraries in Bhadravathi. Findings revealed that majority of the users not enrolling library membership. 44.54% of users were visit library daily and large numbers of respondents were get health information through newspaper followed by television, advertisements and pamphlet/brochures. Education and sports were the most frequently preferred topics by the users. Arogya column published by Prajavani Kannada newspaper was most preferred newspaper column for getting health information by the users followed by VK Health column published by Vijaya Karnataka was stood in 2nd position to get health information by the users. Most of the users preferred Sudha, Gruhashobha and Taranga magazines to get health information. Stimulatingly, large number of the users frequently listen health related programs in Radio. The study also revealed that most of the users were aware about H1N1, DPT, Polio, BCG, TT, AIDS Control, 108 Arogya Kavacha, Malaria Cholera Dengue, Family Planning, Chicken Gunya district health programs of Karnataka state.
