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The present study explores the Scientometric analysis of the journal on “JOURNAL OF CLIMATE”. This study covered 2787records worldwide from 2014 to 2018. The data were collected from the web of science database. In this study discussed the Journal of climate year by year in this study. The study was undertaken to examine the year wise distribution of contributions, authorship pattern, co-author index and degree of collaboration, relative growth rate and doubling time, Document wise distribution of records. A Number of publications published in the year of 2015 with 575(20.6%) records. USA ranked first in the journal of climate research with 1707 (61.2%) records followed by China (650), UK (308), and Australia (182) with second, third and fourth position. A number of records published through the article 2698 (96.8%). Only 3% of the total publications were contributed by the single authors and rest of the 97% research publications were contributed by multi-authors in this study. The study revealed that the Degree of Collaboration was high i.e. 2014(0.91. The study analyzed the relative growth rates (RGR) has decreased from 2013(0.71) to 2017 (0.28) in the span of five years. The doubling time (DT) has rapidly increased while calculated year wise i.e.2013 (0.97) to 2017(2.47).
