Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Open access refers to the free and unrestricted access to scholarly literature published around the globe via internet. Online free access to quality literature is desired by every individual, organization or community especially in developing nations. Various studies have been conducted which show that the growth of open access in developed regions like Europe and North America is quite prevalent but in case of developing nations such is not the case. Though developing regions are making progress towards liberating the literature from chains but still there is long way to go. Open access needs to be promoted on a large scale in developing nations. One among the various factors which necessitate the promotion of open access in developing countries is the economic constraint. Many organizations or individual scholars are not able to access and use the quality literature because they are not able to bear the expenses involved in the process and because access to literature is usually subscription based thus is required to be renewed every year. The present study analyzes the development of open access repositories in Asia. Their growth, country wise contribution, software used in creation of open access repositories etc. The study will analyze how much progress is made by the developing nations in Asia in the year 2019 by comparing it to the results of earlier studies conducted.
