Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Abstract: the study was intended to know the unethical publishing behavior of one of the Indian predatory journals with a special reference to acceptance of plagiarized works for publication. It’s found in a study that editors do not conduct review for articles to assess the quality of publications and provide submitters with a no proper guidelines on plagiarism and reference styles as to improve the quality of research works. This will clearly indicates the greediness of making money of publishers from authors. Noticing these type unethical publishing behaviors of predatory journals researcher considers predatory journals are more of researchers’ deceptive journal than researchers’ assistive journal. The major findings of the study like higher extent of similar content in abstract and conclusion of 24 research publication, acceptance of 13 manuscripts with more than 80% similar content without citation and acceptance of less than 2 pages paper full of plagiarism for publications are the best instances as to show how ignorantly predatory journals are misusing their authority of publication in India. Hence, researcher strongly feels National Science Library should initiate measures to revoke the assigned ISSN given by them to curb the illegitimate publications.
